Knowing God’s Love is Victory

The sport you’ve never heard about

Compete as a church team against friends from other churches

Video: C&MA, Teen Bible Quizzing (2021)

Find and build meaningful friendships with people who share God’s Word in common with you

Video: The Impact (2014)

Foster friendly rivalries in pursuit of the goal to win the prize

Video: Nazarene, NYI Youth Quizzing (2016)

Bring the opportunity of Quizzing to your church or school and see the impact

Video: Smyrna Church of the Nazarene, East TN District NYI (2020)

  • “I quiz because it is one of the only competitive things that glorifies God.”

    Lydia Ward - Quizzer

  • "You will not regret the benefit of the competition that comes from quizzing."

    Jonny Nolan - Former Quizzer / Parent / Coach

  • "It’s kind of addicting."

    Gloria Bicknese - Quizzer

  • “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

    - C.H. Spurgeon

  • "The thing I always tell people is this one, you are gonna spend time on it, and it has eternal value."

    JoAnn Quandt - Quizmaster

  • “Bible quizzing is the greatest fellowship of believers you will ever find.”

    - Quizzer, name unknown

  • “It can really change your life if you let it.”

    Nathan Rosen - Quizzer

  • “It has provided much wisdom for my life.”

    Hunter Herr - Quizzer

  • “You’ll never find a better sport than quizzing.”

    Josiah Price - Quizzer

  • "Having the words that Jesus spoke while he was on this earth written on my heart and not just in my mind has been hugely impactful for me."

    Nathan Rosen - Quizzer

  • "God does great things when his people study his Word. Full stop."

  • "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

    - Isaiah 55:11

What is teen Bible quizzing?

What about the benefits of quizzing?

- Find deep understanding of who God is, what God’s love means, and why Christians believe what they believe

- Builds confidence/self-esteem surrounded by Christ-like support in public speaking while showing the quizzer the impact that building up knowledge in a subject can have

- Participation in a grace-filled culture that fosters a desire for all teens to succeed - a fellowship of believers where when loss or incorrect answers happen quizzers are surrounded by God’s love alive in people, reinforcing that it is not the end of the world, and which encourages teens to endure, overcome adversity, and keep going

- Be surrounded by godly people who love God’s Word and want to help others learn the Word all the same; if bad company corrupts good character, then in teen quizzing iron sharpens iron

- Rewards those who study so that they know - for example, quizzers that do well may qualify for the next level of competition, covering a greater geography of quizzers (3 levels of competition): an opportunity to rise to achieve more than they ever did before or believed they ever could achieve

- While being drawn by the game, the Bible-centric and faithful leadership of quizzing creates a culture with the power to change lives through witness of godly character - both up close and personally

- Aids in the development of skills such as effective studying in an enjoyable way, public speaking, reading, debate, grammar + more, able to directly impact life success in a big way.

- Travel on road trips to competitions each month, an opportunity for fun fellowship and for growing closer to your team, church, and family (and later on, looking back fondly on the experiences you shared)

- “Think on your feet, not on your seat” are quizzing words of wisdom which encourage teens in how to take calculated risks even when lacking confidence, encouraging agility and adaptability

- Offers a way for teens to enter into God’s Word and for God’s Word to enter the hearts of teens, all by the desire, choice, and motivation of the teen

- A space for teens to escape the troubles of the world each week and focus on the meaning of God’s Word while still being able to be social

- Direct interaction with God’s Word while having someone there more knowledgable than they, someone who can provide answers to the curious wonderings that emerge through study and who is available and happy to advise on the best respond to each challenge a teen encounters in a way that pleases, honors, and glorifies God.

Get Connected!

Make sure you understand the details. By contacting an experienced and knowledgable leader of teen Bible quizzing you can have more confidence in understanding what quizzing is about.

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