Types of Bible quizzing:

- Blue box (or Red box) + Jump Seats: the most popular format for quizzing

- Team Jeopardy + Hand buzzers: quizzing in team Jeopardy format

- Box + Answer Cards: multiple-choice, seen in Nazarene children’s quizzing

Blue box (or Red box) + Jump Seat Quizzing:

- Questions (usually 15 or 20) are asked in succession by a quizmaster each round

- 2 or 3 teams of 2 to 5 quizzers compete during each round by jumping off of seats using jump pads/seats/benches to determine who jumped first

- Jump seats are connected to a box or computer

- Red box is older and less used while Blue box is most used out of all quizzing equipment

- There are also some quizzing software alternatives to both, such as QuizMachine, QuizMaster, and MatchMaker

Blue box (or Red box) + Jump Seat Organizations and Entities:

  • Official teen Bible quizzing of the Church of the Nazarene denomination

    Bible Version: NIV

    Official website: nyiconnect.com/youth-quizzing

    Official Facebook Group: link

    Unofficial Facebook Group: link

    Rules & details: link

    Nazarene Children’s Bible Quizzing (box + answer cards; multiple-choice): rules & details

  • Interdenominational organization that hosts a national event for other associated quizzing organizations

    Bible Version: ESV

    Official website: biblequizfellowship.org

    Rules & details: link

  • Official website: biblequizzer.net

    Facebook group: link

  • Bible Version: BSB (Berean)

    Facebook group: link

  • Bible Version: ESV

    Official website: biblequizzing.ca

  • Bible Version: NIV

    Official website: cggc.org/resources/bible-quizzing

    Rules & details: link

  • Bible Version: NIV

    Official websites: cmabiblequizzing.org & cbqz.org

    Rules & details: link

  • Bible Version: BSB (Berean)

    Official website: detroitbiblequizzing.org

    Facebook group: link

  • Bible Version: ESV

  • Bible Version: KJV

    Official website: gobiblequiz.com

  • Bible Version: BSB (Berean)

    Official website: mcbiblequiz.com

    Rules & details: link

  • Bible Version: KJV

    Official website: ovbquizzing.coming.com

  • Interdenominational Bible quizzing association

    Bible Version: BSB (Berean)

    Official website: wbqa.org

    Rules & details: link

Team Jeopardy + Hand Buzzer Quizzing Organizations and Entities:

  • Based out of Pennsylvania

    Bible Version: ESV

    Official website: amecquizzing.org

    Official Facebook Group: link

    Rules & details: link

  • YouTube Channel: channel

    YouTube Playlist by Ocala Church: playlist

  • Bible Version: either NLT or NIV (exact version unknown)

    Official website (teen quizzing): biblequiz.com

    Junior Bible Quiz (children’s quizzing): link

  • Bible Version: CSB

    Official website: home.biblebowl.org

    YouTube channel: channel

    Quote Bee: additional event that takes place at Nationals; like a spelling bee but for quoting memory verses from the season

  • Bible Version: NKJV

    Official Website: ifcayouth.org/quizzing

    Rules & details: download link

  • Bible Version: ESV

    Official website: iphc.org

    Ruls & details: link

  • Bible Version: KJV

    Official website (teen quizzing): seniorbiblequizzing.com

    Jr. Bible Quizzing (children’s quizzing): najbq.com