Bible Quizzing Resources, All in One Place

*The following resources are specific to Nazarene-style teen Bible quizzing but may be useful for other quizzing organizations as well. If you would like to explore other quizzing organizations, please take a look at this list of quizzing organizations (link).

Intro to Quizzing:

Official Nazarene-style Quizzing Rulebook (taken from Official Bible Quizzing Rulebook (link)

Study Materials, and Where you can Purchase them:


Quizzing Apps

  • Bible Quizzing App (Nazarene-style, Official, free): web app (link)

    • You can also purchase the 1-season/year Premium version to unlock more features here at (link)

    • This web app can be downloaded on mobile devices as a stand-alone app using your mobile device’s web browser; Google Chrome browser is recommended

  • Bible Reading Apps (free):

    • YouVersion (website): Android app | iPhone app | Amazon appstore

      • Free Bible wherever your mobile device goes, very popular, been around since the inception of the iPhone App Store, contains free devotional studies that you can do on your own or with others over various periods of time and topics; can listen to the Word (while you are in the car or riding the bus or train or exercising), offers daily encouragements in the Word and Spirit, has the most features

    • Logos (website): Android app | iPhone app | Amazon appstore

      • Free Bible wherever your mobile device goes, comparable alternative to YouVersion, having many of the same features though not all

    • Blue Letter Bible (BLB; website): Android app | iPhone app

      • Free Bible wherever your mobile device goes, offers a few unique study tools, including the ability to read 2 Scripture versions side-by-side for comparison, has a simpler-looking interface yet with some unique functions that other Bible apps do not have, has most of the same features as the previous two Bible apps as well, you can listen to the Word (while you are in the car or riding the bus or train or exercising)

  • Scripture Memorization Apps (free):

    • Verse Locker (website): Android app | iPhone app | Amazon appstore

      • Free Scripture memorization companion wherever your mobile device goes, create memory verses from imported Scripture, organize your memory verses into collections, track what you haven’t memorized yet, it’s like having flashcards on you at all times or Quizlet but you don’t have to type each verse in to create memory verse collections because it is specialized for Scripture memorization

    • Memorize by Heart (website): Android app | iPhone app

      • Free Scripture memorization companion wherever your mobile device goes, offers similar functions to VerseLocker with some added metrics regarding progress in memorization

    • Bible Memory (website): Android app | iPhone app

      • Free Scripture memorization companion wherever your mobile device goes, offers similar features to the two above plus more, the more useful unique features require a premium subscription

Memory Verse Lists (Nazarene-style, Official, free), 2 sources, same content:

Unique Word List (free): Barefoot Ministries, SetMaker website (link)

  • Used for identifying specific words that appear only once in the entirety of the current season’s Scripture portion, providing an advantage to the quizzer who recognizes a unique word when a question is being asked by the Quizmaster as to what the specific Scripture context is if they know where the unique word is found in the Scripture. Unique words are highlighted in bold throughout both versions (paragraph and verse-by-verse) of the complete spiral-bound portion (link); this portion also includes a list of unique words at the back (along with a number of other tools) for reference too.

Quizzing Equipment

  • Quizzing Software Systems

    • Circular, 8-pin QuizTime-style connector-compatibile systems; jump seats/pads having this connector type can be used with any of the following systems interchangeably:

      • Jump seats/pads: (link)

        • Sold as a string of jump pads, 2 sensors per pad, 5 pads per string, 1 string per team

        • Can be used interchangeably with the following 3 quizzing systems

        • May also be available for purchase on (link), though there have been reports that jump seats/pads may no longer be in production and therefore may be unavailable for purchase from

      • QuizMachine + Qbox: (link)

        • Official Nazarene-style quizzing software program; used in all of the top-level competitions and at many quizzing district events

        • Provides a graphical interface of a live scoreboard that can be set up to face the quizzers on a monitor on the ground in front of the quizzers and near the Quizmaster’s feet to assist them in getting situated closest to the edge of their seat in readiness to jump on the next question, and/or it can be set up to display to the audience as a way to make quizzing an engaging spectator sport

        • The interface offers the quizzer other valuable information such as question counts for correct answers and errors per quizzer, serving as a reminder of how close each quizzer is to quizzing out or erroring out given the current question number and which question types remain to potentially jump on (the question types being held in the quizzer’s memory and coach’s scoresheet and not on the visual interface), the interface includes a visual of the timer which is helpful regarding how much time is left to finish answering the current question, and what the current question number is, and of course what the current team scores are which becomes helpful in determining if a team can still come back as the they near the final questions of the round

        • Many quizzing districts utilize this software for many of their rooms, as well as Blue box

      • Blue box: (link)

        • Most widely used quiz system in the world across all quizzing organizations

        • Most affordable option for most churches for the value

        • A blue and black metal box that withstands the test of time; Blue box is more durable than Red box and for this reason it is recommended over Red box

        • Recommended for all starting a quiz program as the best value option for the price

      • Red box: (link)

        • The original quizzing system; an innovation upon the previous system of holding a card at arm’s length and seeing which quizzer can be seen above the card first when they jump to award the toss-up question to in an attempt to answer correctly and win points for their team

        • For more on the history of teen Bible quizzing’s humble beginnings, please take a look at this webpage on (link).

Study Methods and Techniques

The Teen Bible Quizzing Cycle (which Nazarene-style quizzing subscribes to, as well as some other organizations)

  • GEPCP - Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (2023-2024, 2031-2032, 2039-2040)

  • Luke (2024-2025, 2032-2033)

  • 1 & 2 Corinthians (2025-2026, 2033-2034)

  • John (2026-2027, 2034-2035)

  • Hebrews, I & 2 Peter (2027-2028, 2035-2036)

  • Matthew (2028-2029, 2036-2037)

  • Romans & James (2029-2030, 2037-2038)

  • Acts (2030-2031, 2038-2039)

Quizzing Games

  • Nazarene-style, standard (what you’d experience at competitions)

  • King of the Hill

    • Left is the top of the hill, right is the bottom; Correct answers = move left (up) 2 seats, incorrect answers = move right (down) 1 seat; initial placement can be random or wherever quizzers chose to sit already (semi-random); person farthest right wins; *if using QuizMachine you may need to change quiz-outs and error-outs options to 21 before starting to keep all seats active

  • PowerQuiz (card set required: store (link))

  • Bible Quiz Challenge (card set required: store (link))

  • Tribute: Quizzing Edition (board game required: article (link), store (link), digital download (link))


Coaches and Quizmaster Resources

(more to come…)