
Most quizzing organizations maintain their own events by their own means, usually on their organization’s (or district’s) website somewhere. Some events you will not find online since the communication of the event coordinators is direct to the expected participants (by email or similar) and has not been made publicly available on a website or otherwise. Some quizzing organizations have a calendar or list of events for the season that display only for the top levels of competition and which span the widest geographies.

For Nazarene-style quizzing, such events are posted on (link).

For the dates and location of Nationals each year please see the current schedule on (link).

Keep in mind that monthly events happen at the district level, so it would be the district directors/coordinators that would have the information for those monthly, regular-season events. To find your church’s district, please see this list of quizzing districts (Nazarene-style; link).

To view websites and information for other quizzing organizations, please click here (link).

Quizzing events require a team to register prior to the day of the event. Costs to register a team for an event can vary. Please make to sure to contact the event coordinator/director to ensure you have received accurate information for the event you wish to compete in. Contact information can be found by organization here (link) or on the associated website of the organization (also found here (link)). If you would like assistance with getting in-contact with the right person, please reach out to us using this contact form (link). We will try our best to get you connected with the person you’re looking for!